Wednesday, September 21, 2011


HUMP day is here which means it is FINALLY time for my TWO favoritey fun HUMP DAY HOPS!

If you're here for Chats on the Farmhouse Porch only, then scroll down.

First up this week is WEDNESDAY HODGE PODGE from Joyce at From This Side of the Pond.  This meme is fun and sometimes even poses a challenge (read: she makes us use our noggins!).   

1. Do you like chili? Red or white? Beans or no beans? Spice or no spice? Toppings? Um...yes please! Except, no meat. I always have to make 2 pots of chili- one quite spicy and the other for those of us in the family who like it normal. You know, so we can still feel our tongues after eating. Oh, and the spicy pot always has meat in it too. I just tried a new recipe for pumpkin chili on Sunday and it was yummy! You can find the recipe (I used veggie crumbles instead of ground beef) at My Bizzy Kitchen.

2. Red~Orange~Gold...your favorite fall color? Red is ALWAYS my favorite color no matter the season! Followed by orange and then gold when only these three colors are being considered.

3. Who did you idolize when you were growing up? My grandparents were my idols. I adored them! And I STILL miss them terribly.

4. When was the last time you did something 'arts and craftsy'? Share please.  Hmmmm...I guess the last artsy/craftsy thing I did was make Birdie a scrapbook. I made one for Deanie and sent it up to DC when she first moved there and she said it helped her a lot. So, I sent made one for Birdie and sent it to Texas. She loves it!

5. What's a place that makes you really nervous? The interstate. I hate driving on the interstate so I always take the back roads. And hospitals. I always break out into hives when I go into a hospital.

6. Horse back riding...yay or nay (neigh?) I loved riding when I was growing up- just for fun though, nothing spectacular. But it was major fun!

7. What is your favorite cliche?  I'm sad to say that I might use more cliches than I thought I did. Time will tell is one that I use off the cuff quite frequently. There are others. Many others. But I'll spare you.

8. Insert your own random thought here.  There's another really good thing about Wednesday's besides fun HOPS! DoodleBug and friends come over for supper tonight! Hubs and I truly look forward to this time each week. The only thing that would make it better is if all the lovelies were here. Tonight it's black bean brownies and root veggie casserole with brown rice! Unless I change my mind that is.

Next up is a HUMP DAY HOP from Patrice at Everyday Ruralty called Chats on the farmhouse porch!


  1. Do you have pierced ears?  Yes I do. I have two holes in each ear but I haven't worn earrings in YEARS. And, when I did wear them, I always wore two in one ear but only one in the other ear. I'm such a rebel. 
  2. Do you have a porch? Yes but it is useless. That darn steam shower that Hubs ordered for our newly remodeled bathroom is STILL sitting there in the shipping crates. On the FRONT PORCH. And it's been there for about 3 years. And our bathroom is still not remodeled. And I'd better leave this topic right now. Before the urge to go in the other room and smack Hubs overtakes me. 
  3. If you could have a wish for someone you know, what would that be?  I would wish for enough money for Hubs so that he would never have to work again. Or an island to put his siblings on that could then be shot into outer space so he would never have to deal with them again. I'm pretty sure he would appreciate either one of those. Greatly.
  4. There are less than 100 days to Christmas. Have you started shopping yet or doing anything to prepare?  Oh geez, please don't remind me! No shopping but I have selected the date for the oyster roast- December 17th if you're coming!
  5. What song is going through your head lately? If you aren't being pestered by a particular song, then what are you likely to sing or hum while you work?  Carol had a book launch party last Friday and she had the song title "I'm coming out" up on her blog and that stupid freaking song has been going through my head ever since! Thanks for that, Carol. Thanks so much. 
Patrice- Please tell Wendell that he looks better than EVER and give him a big kiss and hug from me! Tell him I said that he is the best horse EVER! And tell him that I love him and that I couldn't forget about him if I tried! 


  1. Pumpkin chili sounds good..I'm going to check out the recipe. Thanks for sharing that...enjoy your family dinner. I wish my girls were close enough for that!

  2. I LOVED seeing that photo of your parents, both wearing red, just after you'd told us that red was your favorite color. :-) And now we know why. It's hard when we no longer have those wonderful parents with us. I miss mine too.

    How does Joyce continually come up with these questions? I love reading them! (and your answers)

  3. What was I thinking. I meant 'your grandparents.' (but I miss my parents):-(

  4. What a great idea--to make and send the girls scrapbooks! I love it.

    Enjoy your dinner this evening. I'm sure those young folks will keep you entertained :)

  5. Kathy- YES! No flour and they are, I'm told, really good. I'll let you know what the college group thinks!

    Joyce-I wish all the lovelies were close enough but I'll take what I can get!

    Judy- LOL They were the BEST! I still have my parents and I don't like that they are getting older. I don't know how Joyce comes up with these but I'm glad she does!

    Kathy-They say it helps with their homesickness. Thanks! They certainly do entertain us!

  6. Wow, I was surprised to read so many on this meme has multiple piercings in their ears. I didn't even think to mention I only have one set of piercings in my ears and that's it!

    Visiting from Patrice's,

    DWTS Season 13 & Chats on A Farmhouse Porch

  7. Cathy- I was just over at your blog! I was surprised about that too actually.

  8. Thanks for the shout out Pam! Glad the chili worked with crumbles, and I'll have a bowl of the extra spicy one please!

    Loved this post - and I hate driving on the interstate too, and driving at night. :D

  9. Biz! Hey girl! Several folks are heading over to your blog for that chili recipe- I'm sure they'll find others that are just as good! You and Hubs and two of the lovelies can have the spicy stuff! LOL

  10. Those are great answers this week. Also I didn't want to add but that song you have on your blog by Stevie Nicks about drove me bonkers. Not to mention I wanted to keep coming back here to watch it. It really chokes me up to think of the words in light of where I am today and where I was when that song was new and so was Stevie Nicks, I know I am getting older too. :)
    Have a really great week.

  11. Let me know when you get that island ready to shoot up into space. Maybe I can throw a few people on it too?! Great answers!

  12. FG-I'm sorry the song drove you nuts! I've recently reconnected with some old friends who have me revisiting my youth and missing it terribly! I think we're getting older too fast.

    Barb- Absolutely! I will send out the alert and we'll shoot them all up into space! Forever!

    Cathy- It was really good! You can't taste the pumpkin it just gives a nice texture.

    MB- Thank you so much!

    Betty- I have a feeling that island is going to be crowded! LOL

  13. Lovely post, interesting to read your answers.
    I do miss my grandparents too, they had a significant part in my childhood...good memories!

    Have a lovely Hump Day!

  14. Wendell sends his love. If you get that in-law island to outer space, will you have any extra seats?

    Thanks for joining in!
    BTW- loved the Landslide clip on the other post- I totally love that song and have since I was a teen!

  15. Argh, christmas shopping kills me every year.

    You didn't link up your goal post to the challenge linky this week, but I see you have it up, don;t forget to go to my blog for every check in otherwise other challengers won;t know to click you!

  16. your brownies sound different but good.

  17. I have a great one with black beans. My daughter doesn't eat meat and we all love it! I'm okay on the roads as long as I know exactly where I am going. Have fun at dinner tonight.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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