Monday, September 19, 2011

It's Challenge Day!

Today is the end of the first week of Biz's Holiday 2011 Challenge and the beginning of Give Yourself the Best Gift and the Christmas Dress Challenge!

Here we go!

Holiday 2011 Check-In:
  • Drink 64 oz of water daily: YES
  • Walk 5 miles/weekday: ALMOST (I had a day that I didn't walk it because of taking Mother to her Dr. appt.)
  • Keep daily calories between 1200 and 1400: YES
  • Post daily exercise and food on YES
  • Post weekly results: YES
  • No food after 8:00 pm: YES
  • Last minute addition: eat slower: NO Dang it! Got to work on this one!
Here's the calorie breakdown:
  • Monday: 1180
  • Tuesday: 1188
  • Wednesday: 1048
  • Thursday: 1001
  • Friday: 1228
  • Saturday: 1399
  • Sunday: 1299

Total calories for the week:  8343
Total walking miles for the week: 28.31
Weight: -2 lbs

These challenges began this week:

Here's a recap of my statement and goals:

My statement: I want to give myself the gift of health this year through an increase in knowledge about nutrition and exercise as well as losing another 30 pounds! Oh, and I would love to give myself the gift of being in front of the camera some this season instead of always behind it.

My goals for the challenges:
  1. lose some pounds---I decided on 30 pounds. This was my goal for the summer challenge and it was a good one. It may be optimistic but I'm going to shoot for it anyway!
  2. drink water--I plan on drinking 64 oz/day
  3. exercising--I will continue to walk Tucker first thing in the mornings and, after bringing him home, go back out for 5 miles. If I feel the spirit move me (doubtful, but who knows?) I will add some running.
  4. keep a weight loss journal--my journal is being kept on where I track water intake, exercise, calories consumed, measurements and weight.
  5. caloric intake-- I will stick with the 1200-1400 range as this seems to be working.
  6. no nighttime snacking- I will allow myself one evening snack after supper but only if it's before 8:00 PM. No food after 8:00!
  7. I will post weekly (I'm thinking Monday)
I won't be choosing a dress size or buy a dress because, for me, that is sabotage. But, when I lose another 30 pounds, you better believe I'll be buying something new!

It's on like Donkey Kong! Let's do this!

And remember: One day at a time!


  1. You're about to motivate me action. That's kinda scary.

  2. Looks like you're doing great on your challenges. Keep up the good work.

  3. Wonderful, amazing, terrific, fantastic, awesomest :) and so much more. You are doing so great Pam. I remember following you a while ago and you were fighting to get started and now look at you. I am just so stinking proud of you. You keep this up and you'll be at your goal even before it's time.
    Take care my friend and have a blessed week.

  4. Michele-Well, that would explain the rain y'all got. LOL

    Darlene-Thanks! It's hard work, but I'm committed!

    Julie- You're so funny! And so encouraging! Thanks!

  5. I am so impressed that you're working so hard toward your goal! It sounds like you've been doing a great job and I wish you continued success! As someone strongly lacking willpower, I applaud your determination! Julie

  6. Julie-I haven't always been so determined! Thanks!

  7. It's great to have a goal to work towards - never give up :)

  8. OH YAY, your page isn't blocked at my work anymore. it was flagged because you had a link on your blog it thought was suspicious. i can't believe how much you walk per week!

  9. Wow, this is amazing! Your goals are inspiring, and fabulous job on the weight loss. :) I look forward to hearing your successes as we go through the challenge together!

  10. Eva-The challenge really helps me- that's for sure!

    jennifer- I'm really enjoying the walking! Mrs. Tuna told me what was probably going on with the malware thing and how I might fix it! It worked! I love her now! LOL

    Kalien-Thanks! The challenge sure makes a difference!

  11. Hooray for you! I wish I could keep a journal consistantly, but I can't. *sigh* Oh well, I'm good about exercising each day (Mon-Fri) at least and I always aim for 2-hrs. I hope to drop 10 pounds before the year ends. That'll make me very happy! =D Thanks for visiting my blog and playing the 4Ms hop!

  12. Good for you, you're doing really well.
    I (almost always) don't eat after 7pm, and it really does keep the weight off. I also feel better for it first thing in the morning, as my post-7 pmeating would never have been healthy stuff anyway!

  13. You are truly inspiring! I was doing great until I didn't have enough protein at lunchtime yesterday, and mid afternoon I succumbed to the 'emergency cookie' temptation. Of course that's a downward spiral. Back on track. YOU are amazing!

  14. WOWza. Not sure if I could do it!! Which means, I need to. ;-)

  15. Fantastic ... way to go! I need to be more disciplined in my eating and exercise habits .....xo HHL

  16. Cathy-I wish you luck! I'm sure you can do it! It takes me about an hour and 45 minutes to walk my 5 miles. I'm thinking of upping it to 6 soon.

    Mimi- You are so right about the evening snacking! Mine was never healthy either!

    Judy- Thank you so much! I love the "emergency cookie"--never thought to call it that. Now I have the emergency carrot sticks. LOL

    Nicole- It definitely takes determination. And it took me 53 years to find some!

    HHL- Thank you! We could all stand some dietary discipline I think!

    Betty- Thank you! I can always hear you cheering me on! Some days I almost make it to 1400- but on days when I want to eat, I try to make my choices low cal so that I can eat more. Does that defeat the purpose? LOL I'll check out her blog!

  17. Congrats on a great week!


  18. Good for you! I think what you are doing is great.

  19. Good luck in your challenge. You are doing fantastic job! What an awesome week.

  20. I'm beginning to sound like an old-fashioned, stuck, gramaphone record, but I have to say it again...what an incredible inspiration you are Pam and what a fine example you are setting of how much can be accomplished by sticking to ones goals. Well done! Shamefacedly, I am publically admitting to having started my day off completely on the wrong footing. My husband baked vegetarian sausage rolls for breakfast and I greedily consumed two. So much for my own willpower!

    We are all rooting for you and holding you to a couple of photographs when you've hit your target loss for this next stretch! Go, Pam, go!!!

  21. Joyce- Thank you!

    Belle- Thanks! I'm actually enjoying it now!

    Ms Bibi-Thank you!

    Desiree-I'm pretty sure that if I had been there, I would have ingested AT LEAST two of the vegetarian sausage rolls! Thank you so much for all of your continued support and encouragement. And I will post photos-eventually. LOL

  22. Good luck with all your goals! We'll be here cheering you on.

    In answer to your question, yes, I do think it's better that challengers be bloggers. I've put the challenge out there in the blogging format, which gives everyone a way to check in with each other. A huge part of a challenge like this is the group support, and if you're just putting your number up once a week you don't get that. The camaraderie of looking in on one another is a major component.

  23. Wow! Way to stick to your goals! You're motivating me to get my act in gear - I've been meaning to lose 10 lbs since last January!

  24. Very Good! That is quite an accomplishment, my favorite part of your goals, loosing the 2 pounds is great but the miles you walked really impressed me.

  25. TC- Thanks! I couldn't do it without y'all! I thought so but just wanted to check.

    Kara- Awesome! Do it now while it's 10! You can do it!

    FG-Thank you! I've become quite addicted to the walking!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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