Monday, October 10, 2011

Challenge Day!

Today is the end of the FOURTH week of Biz's Holiday 2011 Challenge and the end of the THIRD week of Give Yourself the Best Gift and the Christmas Dress Challenge! (All buttons are on my sidebar but you can just click the links to get to their blogs OR click the links above!)

Here we go!

  • Drink 64 oz of water daily: YES
  • Walk 5 miles/weekday (1-2 on weekends): YES except for ONE DAY when I chose going to the Farmer's Market with DoodleBug over walking 5 miles...of course, I did walk Tucker anyway and then we walked all over the Farmer's Market...But I don't consider that exercise.
  • Keep daily calories between 1200 and 1400: YES
  • Post daily exercise and food on YES
  • Post weekly results: YES
  • No food after 8:00 pm: YES--that is, Yes I've had NO food after 8:00 pm.
  • Last minute addition: eat slower: NO. I really suck at this one.
  • Three days of strength training exercises: YES. This is a new one that I've just added.  
Here's the calorie breakdown:
  • Monday: 1366
  • Tuesday:1314
  • Wednesday:1185
  • Thursday:1258
  • Friday:1127
  • Saturday: 861
  • Sunday:1120

Total calories for the week: 8231 
Total walking miles for the week: 26.07 miles
Weight total for Biz's Holiday Challenge 2011 week FOUR: -3 lbs (for a four week total of: -8.5 lbs)
Weight total for Give Yourself the Best Gift and Christmas Dress Challenge week THREE: -3 lbs (for a three week total of: -6.5 lbs

Remember y'all: One day at a time!


  1. You're doing great. I should steal your goal about not eating after 8 - I have a little trouble with that one at times.

  2. MKM- Some people use 7:00 and I've heard of some using 5:00. Right. Not going to happen here. LOL Thanks!

  3. WOW!! What a great week you had. I have to remind myself to eat slower, too. Excellent progress!

  4. You go girl!!! This is a great challenge you doing. Maybe I'll join you after I have this baby =).

  5. Wow, I'm amazed on how few calories you can survive. :-) You are doing great! Congrat. on all that pounds that you already lost.

  6. Great job. I love all the colors you use. Makes your blog so fun to read.

  7. Michele- Thanks! I was happy to see the number decrease. I'm not bothered when it doesn't move, but I'm always happy when it moves down!

    Tiffany-Thanks! You should start a challenge- the Coconut Challenge! I can't begin to tell you how much your insights and research have meant to us!

    Chaquenha- Thanks! It's all about the types of food (calories) I take in---it really makes a difference and I don't want to eat as much because it's fulfilling.

    Lauren- Thanks! I thought red and green would be nice since they are Christmas challenges!

  8. I hear that putting your fork down between bites helps. However since I had mine surgically attached years ago, it's not that easy for me anymore. :)

  9. YAY!!! You are dong a fantastic job, keep it up :)

  10. Pat yourself on the back...great gains this week. Er, I mean, losses.

  11. Michele- I've tried putting that stupid fork down. I almost poked my eye out I pick it back up so dang fast! LOL

    Fatoutofskinny- Thanks so much!

    LG- Thanks! I'm trying!

    Betty- Thank you! I'll email you some tips for helping with that weekend eating.

    Stephanie- LOL Yay for losses! Thanks!

  12. EXCELLENT!!! Oh you are doing so great. I am very proud of you and all that you're doing. Keep it up. I love reading your updates.
    Take care and have a blessed week.

  13. Wow, talk about shrinking Violet in the best sense of the word...!!! Great for you! And no brainer choice on spending time with DoodleBug at Farmer's market over ANYTHING!

  14. Ooh, I see you updated but forgot to link up! Since everyone was extended a week of grace, its not too late!

  15. This is very cool. It is kind of like AA. One day at a time. I know you can do it.

  16. You are doing a great job! I am on my second, week. Didn't join any challenges but doing my best to count calories 1300 or < per day and Couch to 5k 3 days a week. Scale hasnt moved yet but Im hanging in there. Thanks for the inspiration!!

  17. One word - AWESOME!!!!! This looks to be a great week for most (myself excluded)....hope that this week finds you reaping sweet rewards to (in the way of another loss, of course). :-)

  18. Your doing such a wonderful job.
    Way to go!!!

  19. I just enjoy reading about how wonderful you are doing each week.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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