Monday, November 28, 2011

Challenge Day!

 ***Please follow the link on my sidebar or just click HERE to enter the MyMemories giveaway! I will announce the winner on December 5th!

AND the ANY COLOR BUT BEIGE giveaway is still open! Just click Cat's picture in my sidebar to enter! Winner will be announced on Wednesday!

Today is the end of the ELEVENTH week of Biz's Holiday 2011 Challenge and the end of the TENTH week of Give Yourself the Best Gift and the Christmas Dress Challenge! (All buttons are on my sidebar but you can just click the links to get to their blogs OR click the links above!)

Here we go!


  • Drink 64 oz of water daily: YES!
  • Exercise at least one hour 7 days/week: YES! 
  • Keep daily calories between 1200 and 1400: YES!
  • Post daily exercise and food on YES!
  • Post weekly results: YES!
  • No food after 8:00 pm: YES!
  • Eat slower: Sometimes.
  • Three days of strength training exercises: YES- but in the form of serious housework. Not 'real' strength training.   

Here's the calorie breakdown:
  • Monday: 1194
  • Tuesday:1050
  • Wednesday:1190
  • Thursday:882
  • Friday:1240
  • Saturday:1067
  • Sunday:1190

Total calories for the week: 7813
Total CARDIO for the week: 26.35 miles AND 8.8 hours 
Weight total for Biz's Holiday Challenge 2011 week ELEVEN: ?? lb (for a ELEVEN week total of: -17.5 lbs) ***The scale needs a battery, so no number this week!
Weight total for Give Yourself the Best Gift and Christmas Dress Challenge week TEN: ?? lb (for a TEN week total of: -15.5 lbs) ***Again, the scale needs a battery, so no number this week!

There is one exercise change- I have started jogging with my daily walks. I do this during the morning walk NOT during the evening walk. And, so far, I am only jogging for one half of a mile. But I am doing it! I thought I would start by the first of the year. I guess my body said, "Why wait?!" 

I wasn't all that concerned with eating during a holiday. I just absolutely refuse to eat something that is not on our nutritional plan. I made Thanksgiving dinner this year since we had to stay home for a wedding (that post is coming soon) and I made everything gluten free. The fats I used were either coconut oil, coconut butter, and unsalted organic butter from grass fed cows (very little of the last butter). The sweeteners were either honey, coconut sugar or turbinado. Everyone LOVED the meal! So did I. Even though it took me 9 hours on Wednesday and Thursday morning to get it all prepared! It was well worth it! AND THEN there was the wedding. Only one thing gluten free there- the veggie rolls on rice paper. So I had one of those and a glass of white wine. I had eaten a bowl of Irish potato soup before going (thanks BIZ! can find the recipe here)---just in case! 

I think I'm just tired of saying things like, "Oh well. It's a holiday so I'll just eat what I want or whatever they're having." Um, NO. Not anymore. I'll eat what's on my nutritional plan or I will eat when I get home. It's not that I intend to offend anyone, but I'm not going to eat something just because it's there or it's a holiday. If it offends, tough. I have finally reached to point where I really don't care how it makes someone else feels as long as I am doing what is right for me. Bad attitude? No. Just an attitude that will keep us healthy around here! Besides, the holidays are about family- and I want my family to be healthy. Around here, the food will be healthy. AND it will be delicious!


Remember y'all: One day at a time!


  1. Hi Pam,
    Keep up the good work :)
    Have a lovely Week!

  2. MKM-Thanks! Still plugging along!

    Eva- Thanks sweetie! I hope I can---Christmas might not find me quite so determined. LOL

    Betty- And you are mine! This is the first year I haven't been weak around holiday foods. It only took me 53 years. LOL I'm sending you an email...

  3. Well done. You are one tough woman - always a good thing!

  4. YEAH for you. That is awesome. Taking care of you, doing what's right for you. That's great Pam. It's taken me until almost 50 to get it. It's not perfect yet but I'm learning.
    I hope that you had a great day. Take care my friend. Blessings!!

  5. Stephanie- Thanks! I agree- and I have four lovely daughters who agree also. LOL

    Julie- I'm sure there's a lesson in here somewhere about why it took us so long to 'get it' but I don't know what yet. How's the weather up there? I think today was our last warm day. Thank goodness!

  6. That sounds like a terrific meal that you made for T-day. Especially great that everyone loved it. I ADORE that entire last paragraph of this post. That is exactly what we should be doing: keeping ourselves healthy and our fam too. Love the fact that you are now jogging, too! Rock star!

  7. Michele- It was great! Everyone was so surprised. The thought of gluten free totally freaked them out...until they tasted it! LOL Thank you so much! You always leave such encouraging and uplifting comments- they are very much appreciated!

  8. I wish I could jog; but I'd black out both my eyes in the process.

  9. Michele- I thought the same thing. And then, on Thanksgiving morning, my body and mind synced up (I belive this is the first time that's happen post college years) and said, "Go for it!" I did and I didn't kill myself. What happened was those endorphins they talk about kicked in and I immediately became addicted to them!

  10. A gluten free Thanksgiving is amazing! You should share your menu..or did I miss It?

    Jogging? You Go Girl!!!!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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