Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas 2011: Part 3- Christmas Day

Before I get to the pictures I'm going to ask a favor. Breezy started a blog over one year ago. She wrote one post and froze. Well, she's back and she's a pure delight! Please check out her blog, The Blonde Oxymoron. Yes, I am a proud mom but, to be perfectly honest, she really is wonderfully entertaining. I'll introduce her better next week- for her birthday. Thanks y'all!

Christmas day usually begins with the stockings and moves to lunch and then presents.

I think it's best detailed with photos:

Stockings are usually the first things we look at on Christmas day...even Tucker.

He really gets into his stocking. Literally.

Our Harry Potter fanatic- DoodleBug.

Breezy and BestSonInLawEVER

Deanie's jewelry came out of the box and was all over her suitcase so Santa brought her a new thingy to put her jewelry in when she travels. gift cards are great for kids in grad school who have no money because they are in grad school.

Santa gave the lovelies twist towel thingys.

Here's part of Christmas dinner.

Some of the feasters with Fake Evwardo giving the thumbs up!

I knitted everyone stocking caps this year. I didn't finish Deanie and DoodleBug's. DoodleBug is sporting Evwardo's and Deanie is holding up the yarn for hers. Since then, I have finished Deanie's and begun DoodleBug's!

Capes from Mimi.

Tucker was tuckered out.

Breezy and BestSonInLawEVER

DoodleBug and her daddy checking out his new Kindle. The first book he wanted to buy was Carol's!

Deanie, DoodleBug, Mimi, and Birdie

Birdie, Deanie, Aunt Betty, and DoodleBug

Fake Evwardo in his stocking cap.
 And that concludes the Christmas 2011 posts!

Happy New Year everyone!


  1. Dude- Mom- you are freaking FAST! I literally JUST posted my blog thingie, and you've already written about it on here? Geez-Louise. I'll never live up to you! Hahaha. PS- I always forget how rough I look first thing in the morning, so I'd like to thank you for reminding me with these oh-so-lovely pictures.

  2. Mags- You're not supposed to live up to me my darling. You're only supposed to live up to your own standards! And you look mahvalous!

  3. Love the capes and the stocking hats. Fake Edwardo is my absolute favorite. It cracks me up.

  4. That looks like a fun crew. Love the stocking caps and capes. Now I'm off to check out Breezy's blog!

  5. i've enjoyed looking at your Christmas pictures and it was wonderful of you to include Flat (fake) Evwardo in all of the festivities!

    Yes, I'm interested in the websites you have been using this last year! I just about peed my pants, from jumping up and down, when I read your Fibromyalgia has been under control! I pray I can get some relief and will do anything at this point!

    Take care and have a fantastic New Years!

  6. Looks like you had a wonderful day. Everyone looks soooo happy just to be together. Awesome Christmas!!!!

  7. A perfect end to what was a perfect day. I love those capes. Mimi is incredibly talented and to be making such beautiful gifts for so many is indeed something special. My eyes struggle to see to do the simplest of things. I have already been to check out Breezy's blog and how could I possibly resist signing up knowing she's one of your lovelies?

  8. BTW your feast puts any feeble attempts of mine to shame! What a spread! Did you think you were feeding an army? Pam, you are truly astounding.

  9. yay for more pictures!!! You guys are all so stinkin cute <3

  10. Great pictures. The beautiful smiles say it all! Happy New Year my friend!

  11. Grams-Fake Evwardo is hilarious! We had such fun with 'him'...LOL

    Kim- It was great! Just ended too soon. Thanks!

    Shawn- I'll get an email off to you ASAP! Yes, Fake Evwardo provided, days- of big fun for us all! LOL

    Robin- We do so love getting together. The time between seems so long that we really appreciate the together times!

    Desiree- I'm afraid you give me way too much credit! It's not that I'm astounding it's just that I enjoy having them all around and try to make it special for them. It's special for me just that they are here. Thank you so much for your generously kind comments and for visiting Breezy's blog!

    Carbie- You are too sweet! Thanks!

    Betty- Breezy took pictures with me in them but she hasn't sent any to me yet. She'll get around to it. Hopefully before next Christmas. LOL Thanks!

    Barb- Thanks! What's on your New Year's Eve agenda? Nothing here. Just trying to stay awake until midnight. LOL

  12. More lovely pics! I'm sorry to see them coming to an end; they tell such a lovely, heartwarming story.
    I will check out Breezy's blog, though she may be looking for a (slightly) younger audience!

  13. Hi Pam. Some more great photos for us today. I love the capes, and the knitted hats (well, almost knitted hats, hee hee!) and Tucker getting stuck in his stocking. A wonderful day, I'm sure. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to head right on over to Breezy's blog now!!

  14. bhb- Thank you so much!

    Mimi- Thank you! You are so sweet! I know that Breezy would LOVE a visit and a follow! She is not age discriminatory! LOL

    Diane-Tucker does that every single year! He loves his stocking! Thank you! She would love a visit and a follow!

  15. It looks like you had a great day. Happy new year to you and yours.

  16. The link didn't take me to her blog, I tried a few times. Looks like a fun time. I didn't even take pictures, bad mama. Love the gifts, those stocking caps are so cute! Happy New Year

  17. Yes, I tried the link as well and it didn't work for me :(
    Wonderful pictures, thanks for sharing! Your family is beautiful!

  18. MT- We did have a great day! Thanks! Happy New Year!

    Debby- Thanks for letting me know! I've fixed the link! I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I normally do- I was having so much fun I just didn't get behind the camera as often. Happy New Year!

    Brenda-Thanks for trying it! It didn't work because I messed it up...somehow. But it's fixed now! Thanks, too, for letting me know! Happy New Year!

  19. Your daughters are just gorgeous! And their little brother, Tucker, is pretty cute too. lol

    It brings tears to my eyes to see y'all having such a wonderful time together and to know that these are fleeting moments (what a downer, huh!). But those wonderful 'kids' bring so much happiness to our lives. (Not that you're chopped chicken liver, Tucker!) and it's hard to see them leave, isn't it. How thoughtless they are, that they actually want to have a LIFE. LOL

  20. Love all the pics! Every time you post pics of your girls it makes me think of me and my sisters. Whoa on the awesome knitted hat things!! I wish I could do that! Also, absolutely love fake evwardo. That is so awesome/hilarious. Looks like you had a great xmas with your crew! :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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