Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday Fragments!

It's FRIDAY but I am still off with the days since the 4th was on Wednesday. So I kind of thought it was Monday but only for a little while because I remembered FRIDAY FRAGMENTS!!! WooHoo! Just click the button and head over to join in the fun!

Mommy's Idea

It was a crazy week but just because of the 4th throwing me off...which probably means I'm crazy not the week.

Something bad has happened. Something really, really bad. The AC in my car DIED. Let me tell you- if you think that it's not a danger to others to have a perimenopausal woman driving around in the SC low-country in the OPPRESSIVE SUMMER HEAT you are TERRIBLY MISTAKEN. I've been telling all sorts of people just exactly what they can do and where they can do it. And, because my windows are down, they can hear me. And I'm not exactly sorry about this either because, frankly, some of it NEEDS TO BE SAID.

Have I mentioned what a pure delight it is having Birdie home? Well, it's a pure delight! :) DoodleBug is loving having Birdie home too- we all went to breakfast and then did some shopping this morning! Heaven!!! AND, Tucker LOVES having Strider here! They play all the time...and get under my feet. But it's all good! Birdie and Evwardo are heading for London on July 16th so if any of my wonderful British friends are going to be near, let me know!

My baby is turning 21 on the 24th of this month. It's exciting and depressing all at the same time. Pretty much the way the whole empty nest situation has been from the git-go. All four of the lovelies will be here to celebrate AND the boys are coming too! FULL HOUSE BABY! Can't wait!

The tomatoes are ripening so it's nearly time to start putting some up! I had so many wonderful tips and instructions from y'all so I'm feeling pretty good about it! Now, if I can just remember to buy those darn jars the next time I go to Wal-Mart--which may or may not happen since I have forgotten them the last THREE times I've been. Sheesh.

Don't forget to enter the giveaway HERE! And look for another giveaway tomorrow from NuNaturals!

Now it's YOUR turn! Click that button at the top and head over to Mrs. 4444's!


  1. I totally understand about the AC dying in the car. There's something about a car that naturally holds in the heat! Mine has been broken for sometime now and certain days are miserable.

    I don't have children but I have a lot of brothers and sisters and THERE IS something wonderful about a full house. The hustle and bustle of everyone visiting is wonderful.

  2. Yikes, no air, oppressive heat and a woman with raging hormones, LOOKOUT!!!

    Enjoy your full house and I know how it is to go to the store and forget, we need Double D batteries and I forget every time I go, ugh!

  3. traci- Oh how I HATE not having the AC in my car. The husband is supposed to fix it tonight or tomorrow. Let's hope he holds true to his word. This time. LOL I do love a full house! Once the nest became empty, it just wasn't fun anymore.

    Lisa- That's right look out! LOL Yeah, I keep forgetting which means I have to get back in my hot car and try again. And again. And again. :)

  4. It all sounds good. That is terrible that your air went out in your car. I would not be going anywhere either.
    I drove a Volkswagen when I only had two kids, in the summer and I said never again when I got a decent car.
    It sounds like you are having such a nice time with the girls in and out.
    I am so glad. I hope it cools off soon. Like before November. :)Have a nice weekend Pam!

  5. I'd say that's adding insult to injury. Not only is hotter than a fireplace and humid as heck, now your AC is broken? I would definitely not leave the house until it is fixed. Glad to see your empty nest is not that empty this summer. What an adventure Birdie will have in London, make sure to post her pics when she comes back :)

  6. Kim- Cool off before November?! That would be a dream come true!!! The garden seems to be loving it though. So- good with the bad, I suppose. We had a Volkswagen Beetle when I was growing up and I LOVED that car! But, back then, no AC didn't bother me. You have a great weekend too!

  7. Alessandra- Yep, insult to injury is just about what it is. The boytoy is taking his nice camera and I've told them I need blog fodder of the trip! Hopefully they comply!

  8. When I went out to see Mike I had A/C on the way there though it was 80 and not bad out. Of course it died out there at 80 then 90 and I left the day it was 110. From Wyoming to home it was hotter then crap and not the sweetest smelling since farm country, which really doesn't bother me in the least except it was humid and the air was so heavy it just sat there like SOS.
    So I understand. And with the heat and rain we've been having I thank God we have A/C in the house. Getting my walks in have been really hard because it's one or the other lately but I'm trying.
    Thanks for stopping by Pam. Blessings my friend. Good luck with your tomatoes. Here's a link from a while back of mine...if you want to look see.

  9. I can only imagine your suffering without A/C in your car; I don't blame you at all for needing a distraction from that fate!

    Happy for your family :) Have a GREAT time!

  10. So sorry to hear about the AC. What torture!! We've been feeling a bit of your pain up here the past week with temps at 100. I think of you and wonder if I could even tolerate your climate. ANYWAY, sounds like you're having housefuls of fun with family. So nice!! We're off to see little Henry (and his parents) next week.

    I hope B&E have a great time in London!!

  11. nuttin is hotter than a car without AC in the middle of an egg frying on the sidewalk heatwave!!!

  12. Hi Pam. I did smile at the thought of you driving around with no AC and saying all these wicked things out of the open window! LOL! Unfortunately, I am quite a way away from London, which is a shame, but I hope they have a great time, and I hope that our great floods have subsided by then! Goodness knows what the weather is going to be like for the Olympics, with the amount of rain we're having at the moment! Sounds wonderful that all the family is going to be together again. Make the most of it!

  13. No air conditioning + this heat = recipe for disaster. At least you have Birdie home. ;-)

  14. No A/C does suck...but it is doable. Then again, I would rather not have it in my house than not have it in the car.

  15. Julie- It seems I am not alone with the AC going out in the car. The husband promised to have it fixed by today. So far, no AC. Big surprise. It's been hard to walk here too but, this morning, I walked and was able to run a little! Hope springs eternal! LOL

    Mrs- It's just been terrible. There's no break without the AC and I really didn't realize how much of a difference it made until I didn't have it!

    Judy- I love that you put 'and his parents' in parenthesis! Hilarious! Hope y'all have a fantastic time! Safe trip there and back!

    Keetha- Amen Sista!

    Diane- I am hoping that darn AC gets fixed soon. The husband promised it by today but he lied. I wish you lived near London! I would love for you to meet Birdie! I told them all about the weather you've been having- I hope they were listening. :)

    Kathy- Amen! On both counts. :)

    Wayne- It does, and it is. I have to have it in the house because of my allergies- the car I can handle. Sort of. Are y'all back from Canada?


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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