How corny is that title? Pretty dang corny. But the Hodge Podge and the Chats aren't corny at all! And all you have to do to join in is click on their respective buttons and DO IT!
Aloha! On August 21, 1959 Hawaii officially became a US state. Have
you ever been? Upon arrival would you prefer an orchid or a hibiscus to
tuck behind your ear? Nope. And I've never had the desire to go either. My brother and SIL lived there for a while and they loved it. But I'm not a warm weather fan.
2. Since we're talking tropical...what's your favorite food or beverage made with pineapple? I loved my grandmother's pineapple cakes- not pineapple upside-down cakes but her 6 layer pineapple cakes. They were to DIE for! I make a pineapple casserole that's pretty good. But mostly, I just like it plain. Fresh though, not in the can.
3. Do you believe in soul mates? Explain.I do. And I also believe that your soul mate doesn't HAVE to be your spouse. They could be your BFF. A soul mate, to me, is that person who knows and understands you completely because, for the most part, they are just like you. Your partner in crime, so to speak. A person you're close to and can share your deepest fears, desires, hopes, dreams, etc. and know that they will keep your secrets and help you achieve the others. Not everyone is lucky enough to have this in their marriage but that doesn't mean they can't have it with a friend. Does that make sense?
4. Share a memory about the house you grew up in. It was the same house my dad grew up in and I loved it. I remember sitting in the den on cool fall Sunday afternoons, with the windows open watching football with my dad. That's why I love football so very much.
5. Are you comfortable with silence? I am but silence tends to enable my mind to wander. So, if I need to concentrate on something, I have to plug into my iPod.
6. You spot a giant spider on your bedroom wall...what's your next move? (all spiders are giant, right?)I find a shoe to smack it with. Or my bug zapper.
7. My idea of fun does NOT include having to be outside in 100% humidity.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Deanie (DD2) has a friend who is a photographer. I'll have a post about this amazingly talented young woman soon as she's just too good not to share!
I started the Synergy workout this week. Monday was Day 1, Week 1. It doesn't take much time to get it done but it is INTENSE. It's also an 8 week commitment which makes me cringe and wish I wasn't so anal about honoring commitments. I'm keeping a daily journal to help keep myself accountable and as something I can look back at after 8 weeks and (hopefully) see a MAJOR improvement in my fitness level.

- Are you a list maker? (grocery, to-do, goals, etc.) I am for the most part. Not that I actually look at it after I make one, but I do make them.
- Do you have overnight guests often? No. Just whenever people come for the weekend or holidays.
- Where is your laundry room, or the area that you keep your washer and dryer? It's in the family room which is actually the garage that we enclosed and turned into a big family room. We rarely spend time out there now that the lovelies are all grown up. But I'm still doing the laundry out there.
- How are you with tools? Power tools? I'm good with them. I love to use a drill! But I still prefer someone else have to do the job that requires their use.
- Tell me something that will make me smile. Please. Ok, I'm going to tell you that you've done a marvelous job raising your girls. The foundation that you've given D1 will hold her strong during her college years. It will enable her to grow and learn and become the woman she is supposed to be and keep her values strong. It will support her through hard times and enable her to stand strong in her beliefs.
AND, if that didn't work, here's a joke:
Girl: We have a mayor. Do you?
Girl: What do you call it?
Horse: Same as you do. Mare!
How's that? I started today's post corny and ended it the same way!
Oh you just reminded me I love a hummingbird cake and its made with pineapple. Someone else mentioned pineapple ice cream which I used to love but haven't had since I was a kid. I don't even see it anywhere these days.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your day!
If we're counting BFs as soul mates (I actually thought about that) then I have found one too. We used to live 5 miles apart so we gardened and canned together which was great. Unfortunately she moved 20 miles one way and I moved 40 miles the other way!
ReplyDeleteIt was fun to stop by and read your responses. So many are similar to what I would say. For example, the lists. I do make lists, but I guess it's more an exercise to put order to stuff in my brain. Once I've done that, I can go about my business.
ReplyDeleteHave a great week!
Well I like it. Nice joke too. You are having 100 percent humidity right now? How on earth do you breathe?
ReplyDeleteLovely questions today. I think that is why I haven't done any commitment exercise signups. I am afraid of not honoring my commitments. I like that about you. You always manage to keep your word. Have a great Wednesday!
I love a corny joke, it puts a smile on your face and a smile is a smile :)
ReplyDeleteI don't tend to write out my lists, I should do that more often but I do make mental lists, I have found they don't work as well as writing it down, I wonder why? LOL
Oh, a six layer Pineapple cake sounds so darn good!!
I do hope everyone finds a soul mate, they are so wonderful,they help you get through life and it is nice if that person happens to be your spouse/partner.
Wendell thinks you're the best joke teller! Thanks for the last comment. It made me smile and tear up. Thanks, friend!
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely a list-maker. I suspect that you have to be at least a little OCD/anal-retentive to need to make lists ... so yes, I'm a list-maker. ;-)
ReplyDeleteI agree with you--it's no fun dealing with this humidity :(
ReplyDeleteGreat post, I loved it! :-) I don't think I've ever had a pineapple cake other than upside down. Hmmm. And I agree about the soul mate. (well, and lots of other stuff too, but...)
ReplyDeleteJoyce- I’ve heard of hummingbird cake but I’ve never tasted one…that I know of anyway. Pineapple ice cream! I’ve had frozen sherbet and yogurt that is pineapple but not ice cream. I bet it’s quite tasty!
ReplyDeleteMKM- I am definitely counting them. Not everyone gets their soul mate in the form of a spouse. Hope you are still in touch yours!
Dreaming- Thanks! I think that’s exactly what my lists are all about too.
Kim- Thanks! I was trying to come up with one for Patrice since Amanda is off to college soon. Yep- 100% and it sucks. I’m breathing short and difficult. LOL I am so anal about honoring commitments. I often wish I wasn’t but I have no control over it. Wish I was like that with losing weight.
Lucy- I do too! It’s always fun to do the eye roll thing. Mental lists? Ha! I can’t remember something for 2 minutes. LOL It is nice to have a soul mate around- in any form.
Patrice- Thanks to Wendell! I was afraid the response might make you tear up so I put the corny joke in there too. Chin up! All will be just fine!
Kathy- Agreed! Now, if I could just remember to look at them and do the stuff that I write on them…LOL
Kathy- No it isn’t! I will NOT miss it when it goes.
Judy- My grandmother’s pineapple cake was to DIE FOR! If I ever get the recipe from my aunt, I’ll post it. Thanks- who says a soul mate has to be a spouse?!
My dad grew up in the house his grandfather built, and I love the idea of how much history is in it.
ReplyDeleteGreat answers! Have a wonderful rest of your week.
I've not been to Hawaii; but I've been to Jamaica. It was less humid than Houston for sure. How's Tucker doing?
ReplyDeleteFav pineapple dish- pineapple salsa with cilantro and jalapeno!
Arlene- My dad's youngest brother's youngest daughter lives in the house now. I wish I still did. I loved that house. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteMichele- Tucker's fine but he hates the humidity. LOL We just had some pineapple salsa and LOVED it!
You are a hoot!!! I love your answers, but want you to know that I get a smile just out of looking at your little profile pic!!! ;-)
ReplyDeleteDebbie- Thank you! We had such fun the night that picture was taken. We were at the wedding of one of our daughter's best friends and they had an old timey photo booth. It was GREAT!
ReplyDeleteWell, really good answers about soul mates and memories of your childhood home. My husband was in the Air Force and I remember those flying roaches bug things. Oh my, they are scary! One good thing about NH no big flying scary roach things!
ReplyDeleteMy soul mate is my BFF. I didn't even meet my spouse until I was almost 40; along time to have solo soul. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm a list maker, but I have to keep looking back and checking things off to continue to be happy after I've made it
LM- I hate those things! I go to great strides to keep them out of my house. If I see one outside, I tend to freak out! LOL
ReplyDeleteNani- That is a long time to have a solo soul! But I'm sure he was worth the wait. My mother is anal about lists. I'm one of those who forgets I made the list.
My lists are in my head so I don't have to see them...LOL!...:)JP
ReplyDeleteJP- Mine are in my head a lot of times too. I just can't seem to retrieve them from up there. LOL
ReplyDeleteI love your corny jokes, you're one funny corny girl. I kinda like your soul mate thing, I never thought of it that way. :)
ReplyDeleteThat pineapple cake sounds delicious. Yes the humidity is really hard to handle. I love warm weather like California but not so much in the South.