Monday, August 6, 2012

Touring the Town: Day 2

Yesterday's breakfast was just not the same. Dad wasn't here to cook his famous cheese eggs, the Nieces weren't here with their smiling faces and morning laughter and my stepmom wasn't here to chat and drink that morning coffee with me. It sure did get quiet around here when they left.
Anyway, the second day of touring was in Mount Pleasant, where we live. We have a Waterfront Park and Pier (1250 feet long) that is three years old. I had never been until now.

It was windy out on the pier that day. And the sun came and went. But it was nice that the heat didn't feel OPPRESSIVE until we were leaving! Yay!

I love the sailboat between the church steeples. You can see that a lot around here.

My stepmother was pointing out something...I think it had to do with the underside of the bridge.

 DoodleBug was able to come with us. She had to nanny the first day-

There are tables and chairs on the pier- that's my stepmom, Birdie and Niece1

And DoodleBug---

And DoodleBug again---

And there's Birdie---

Niece2, Niece1, DoodleBug, and Birdie

Sometimes the town sponsors Shaggin' on the Cooper (REMEMBER-in the south, shaggin' is a dance) at the end of the pier--you can see DoodleBug teaching Niece1 to shag on the dance floor. 
 This is Niece1 and Niece2 teaching DoodleBug the Cotton-Eyed Joe...

Remember that I mentioned it was windy out? And with wind, you get white caps. And idiots in small boats---

Back on the pier, we have a bit of break dancing...not good break dancing, but break dancing...

The pier also has swings---

If you'd like to see an awesome tugboat (I ADORE tugs), a freighter, a catamaran, cranes from the husband's port terminal, a brown pelican and some pigeons gettin' frisky under the bridge, head over to my photography blog, One Flew Over the Empty Nest and check it out HERE!

There are still more pictures yet to come! How was y'alls weekend?


  1. AWESOME!!! Thank you for sharing. Everyone looked like they had a blast and being together as a family, now that is a great blessings!!
    Take care and have a blessed day!

  2. Looks like you all had a wonderful weekend!!

  3. Your photos make me want to come back and visit Charleston again! Such a beautiful place :)

    I, too, felt sorry for those horses pulling the carriages in the summer heat...

  4. I always enjoy your pictures and now I want to make a trip to Charleston!
    Enjoy your week and try to keep cool!

  5. Those are very nice pictures and I love the dancing ones.
    I bet is is quiet around there today. Hot around here is about all I can say. I have to sit and wait for my glasses to unfog every time I come in the house from outside. Today I start my August ritual of window washing. the heat...all day...for three days. But at the end of it I have a very nice house. Eyes on the prize. :) Have a nice week!

  6. Your town looks so nice, I want to come and visit. The pics with the girls are really super, glad everybody learned some new dances. Hey, where are you on all this pics? I'm waiting for more photos, before I buy a ticket to South Carolina :)
    Btw, I was quite young when we got hitched, I was 19 and as they say hubby robbed the cradle, since he was 34, couldn't resist the old man !

  7. Don't you just love it when the "kids" have fun? It shows in the pictures!...:)JP

  8. Julie- Thanks! We had a fantastic time! Even in the heat. How’s everything over your way? I’m putting up spaghetti sauce today the way you taught me!

    Kathy- We did! Thanks!

    Kathy- Come on back any time! I’ll go touring with you! There’s so much to see in the city. Those poor horses- I wish they’d stop until fall.

    Shawn- Come on down! We’ll go sightseeing and then to the beach!

    Kim- Girl, I so need to clean the windows. I think I’m going to wait until fall. It’s not a fun chore and especially difficult in the heat…too hard for me to keep my eye on the prize. LOL Be careful and don’t you dare fall off that ladder!

    Alessandra- It is nice and we would love to have you and the husband and the pups! I am always behind the camera. If I wasn’t, no pix would ever get taken. I thought you looked mighty young in that wedding photo. DoodleBug is 21 and her boytoy is 29---we’ll see how that works out.

    Betty- Right. I’m pitiful. Such a lovely pier and I’m just now getting around to it.

    JP- I do! It was so great having some kids around for a change! And the fact that they are so well behaved and polite made it all that much easier and enjoyable!

  9. Looks like a nice pier. It must have been nice to make them feel like dancing.

  10. That looks like a really fun day out! wind in your hair, but still warm, fun on the pier. I bet the nieces enjoyed themselves!
    Thanks for the explanation of shagging, cos it has a completely different meaning here, and I was initially quite shocked!

  11. bill- It is a nice one. DoodleBug goes out to the Shaggin' On the Cooper when they host it so she was telling the Nieces all about it and the oldest one wanted to learn to shag! They had a blast!

    Mimi- We all did have such a great time. I always put that shag is a dance here in the south because I know what the meaning is over your way. LOL You are too funny! Thanks!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
Background by CinnamonDove