Thursday, March 23, 2017


Every so often the baking bug bites me and I bake a whole lot of yummy goodness. I even experiment from time to time. Lately, I've just been baking cupcakes. Y'all know how I love cake and cupcakes are just as good. Cake is cake. Sort of.

Anyway, a while back I received this package from NuNaturals:

How cool was that? Very cool. I know we're not supposed to use Splenda and other artificial sweeteners but I still can't find anything that says research shows we shouldn't use Stevia. Admittedly, I mostly use organic, raw sugar but I do like to use some of these NuNatrual products when I bake.

I've tried the cocoa powder in brownies and chocolate cupcakes along with the vanilla liquid. I use the no-carbs blend packets in my coffee and I've also tried the chocolate mint syrup in coffee. All ended up tasting pretty darn good!

These cupcakes were perfect on St. Patrick's Day!

So, why am I talking about cupcakes and NuNaturals products? Because when they send me FREE stuff to try, that means FOUR of y'all are going to win some FREE STUFF! WHAT?!

Yes indeed! FOUR of y'all will receive these goodies if your number comes up in the random generator!

So, here's the deal:
  • There will be FOUR winners
  • Each winner will receive one bottle of Vanilla NuStevia Liquid, one bottle of New Sugarfree cocoa syrup, a package of new cocoa powder, and a 50 packet box of the NuStevia no-carbs Stevia Packets, PLUS a FREE BONUS item. 
  • Winner's will receive package directly from NuNaturals.
  • Giveaway is open worldwide.
  •  They cannot ship to PO BOXES.
  • If you want to purchase from NuNaturals you can get a 15% discount by entering BLG0617 through June 30, 2017. Also, shipping is free when orders exceeding $35 (this is just to CONTINENTAL US)

 All y'all have to do is leave a comment here, on my FB page, Instagram, or Twitter that you would like to be entered to win! IF I see a comment on my social media, I'll give you 5 extra entries per comment. AND you can comment every single day if you'd like!

Now, if you'd like TEN extra entries, go and 'LIKE' NuNatruals FB page. Please let me know if you do this so I can give the 10 extra entries! FYI: They have tons of recipes over there.

I'll keep this giveaway open through next Thursday (March 30) and announce the winners on Friday, March 31.


  1. I'd like to win and I like the NuNatruals FB page. I'm almost always up for trying something new.

    1. Awesome! I've got you entered! I like the stuff in baked goods but cannot adjust to the taste in beverages. Though the chocolate mint was tasty in coffee. But still, I like my sugar. LOL Good luck!

  2. I was lucky enough to win months (years?) ago when you had a NuNaturals give-away. The products are GREAT! We use stevia exclusively now. I already liked their Facebook page and would love to be entered to win again! Thanks Pam!!

  3. I have given up sugar and fallen off the wagon so many times I lost count. And chocolate? Don't even think about asking me to give that up! LOL I've got you entered! Good luck! And thank you for commenting!

  4. I'm in. I haven't tried any of those items. Great giveaway Pam!

    1. Awesome! I've got you entered but I have to go count how many times. LOL


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
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