Wednesday, November 15, 2017

In the Hodgepodge Zone

One week from Thanksgiving. One. O.N.E. I have never been less prepared for the holidays than I am this year. How bad would it be to order one of those pre-cooked meals for Thanksgiving day? Yikes! My grandmother would do the proverbial roll-over in her grave. 

Anyway, let's just forget about all that for a minute and enjoy some time with one another and the Hodgepodge. 

1. What takes you out of your comfort zone? Getting up in front of a crowd to speak. Unknown social situations. Interstate driving. Big city driving. Going out the front door...LOL

2. Your least favorite spice? I have what is probably the blandest palate on the earth so I don't care much for most spices. However, I do have a least favorite and that would be dill. 

3. What's a small change you'd like to make? That's interesting...I don't think there's a small change I want to make. All the changes I'm looking at are big ones. Welcome ones, but big. 

4. Do you enjoy visiting historic homes? YES! If so, of the homes you've visited which one was your favorite? I've been to so many I really don't have a favorite. I've loved them all. What historic home near you is open to visitors? I live in Charleston, SC so there are TONS of historic houses open to the public around here. Take. Your. Pick. Have you been? I have! History and I used to be BFFs and I still love it. When I go through the houses, in my mind I can visualize the families and their lives going on right in front of me. I just love it! Southern Living rounded up eleven of the best in the southern part of the US and they're as follows-

Monticello (Jefferson's home in Virginia), Nathaniel Russel House (Charleston SC), Swan House (Atlanta), Ernest Hemingway's home (Key West), The Biltmore (Vanderbilt home in Asheville NC), Mount Vernon (Washington's home in Virgina), San Francisco Plantation (Garyville, Louisiana), Windsor Ruins (Port Gibson Mississippi), Longue Vue House and Gardens (New Orleans), Whitehall (Palm Beach FL), and Pebble Hill Plantation (Thomasville GA)

Have you been to any on the list? Yes, four of them- Monticello, Nathaniel Russel House, The Biltmore, Mount Vernon. Of the homes listed which would you most like to visit? I've already been to four of them and to be honest if they're not in SC or Georgia I'm probably not interested. There are enough historic homes right here to keep me busy and I not a fan of travel or places hotter than where I live so I'll just enjoy what Y'all share should any of you ever go. But I will enjoy historic homes when I visit NashvilleDaughter and DrummerBoy in Nashville. If we can ever fit them in with all the other fun things to do in Nashville!

5. What's something you think will be obsolete in ten years? Writing with paper and pen. Does that make you sad or glad? Sad and when technology fails (because I think it's going to have to at some point due to our total dependence upon it) some people are going to be sad they have no idea how to write. And money/credit cards. Everything will take place via our 'smart' phones. Remote controls. Car Keys. Face-to-face communication. Yes, we're coming to that. 

6.  Insert your own random thought here. Loads of things are going on around here near the peak of the holiday season. Loads. Most of it good and the best news is Mother goes home next week! She's all set to be on her own once again. She's excited and a bit nervous but she'll be fine. We're only a little over an hour away and my brother is next door so it's all good. If she doesn't want to do it anymore, she can always come back here. Meanwhile, we've been enjoying these two:

Have a wonderful Wednesday, Y'all!

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20% off sale begins November 20th!


  1. Your grandkids are so cute. I agree with you about writing paper and pens. Hope you have a great week and glad to hear that your Mom is doing well.

    1. Aw, thank you! I'm glad she's doing well, too but my selfish self is just glad to be getting my house back. :)

  2. I almost said writing too, which makes me sad. It ties in with my US mail answer. Everything is moving to the digital world and I'm sorry about that. I'm so glad your mom is doing well! Enjoy your houseful and those adorable babies!!

    1. It really is sad. What will everyone do when technology fails? Oh well. I'm glad she is, too but I am selfish enough to just be glad to get my house back. All the CoasterDoodle stuff is on the dining table and I'm hosting Thanksgiving dinner. That will be interesting. Ha! I know you're loving having your little one there! Dote away!

  3. The grandkids are darling! Hope your mom will do well when she goes back home. And now you can plan that Thanksgiving dinner. :-) I'd love to visit historic homes in South Carolina and in Savannah!!

    1. I can't get enough of Marcy blowing kisses. Melts my heart every time. I hope Mother does well, too. I seriously want my house back and I know that's selfish but I've always been that way and it's too late to change now. LOL If you get this way we'll go visit historic homes to your heart's content!

  4. Good morning. I enjoyed reading your hodgepodge. I keep saying in my head "why didn't I think of that?" We are finding out just how precious grandchildren are. So sweet. Soon our little might learn to blow kisses, too. That's good news about your mom. Hope all goes well. Happy week to you!

    1. That happens to me a lot on Hodgepodge days. LOL Yes, those little grands are just the best. They will melt our hearts on a daily basis for sure! Thank you!

  5. Those two little ones are ADORABLE! I'm so happy your momma is doing so well and can go home! I wish her well!!

    1. Awww, thank you! I'm glad she's doing well, too. It's going to be great for her and I get my house back. LOL Thanks, Terri!

  6. You do! And we'll have such fun! I'm glad she gets to go back, too. I'm also glad I get my house back. LOL Thank you, Betty! Hug that sweet grandson of yours for me!

  7. I don't want to speak in front of a crowd. I still love sending out cards. Wishing your mother well.


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