Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Jazzing up the Hodgepodge

Not really. The Hodgepodge is jazzy enough all by itself but I have the worse time coming up with clever titles. Obviously. So good to be back after a week off not that I would have gotten around to it last week as I had this cutie every day for spring break which y'all can read about HERE where you'll discover what she can now do that takes another 10 years off my life: 

She's the absolute BEST! Y'all can see our Easter right HERE. Check out the Easter dress with the cowboy boots that apparently she refused to leave in the store so...

Ok, enough of cutie pie because y'all know I could go on shamelessly all day especially when I start throwing in pictures of the boy. 

Let's get on with the Hodgepodge! I bet there will be a similarity or two between a couple of us. (wink, wink) 

1. April is National Jazz Appreciation Month. Are you a fan? YES! If so what's a favorite you'd recommend to someone new to jazz listening? I'm not sure you can recommend jazz to someone. It's something some people have to acquire a taste for and mostly something you either already know you like or don't like. There are so many varieties of jazz available you'd almost have to know what other music someone likes before you make suggestions. Does that even make sense? 

2. Mandolin, ukulele, harp, accordion or banjo...which would you be most interested in learning to play? None. I discovered long ago I lack the dexterity to play a stringed instrument. Or do you already play one of the instruments listed? No, and it's not for lack of trying. 

3. Do you judge a book by it's cover? Do I have to answer this? Because in the figurative sense I often fail to come off looking good at my answer. Elaborate. You may answer in either/both the literal or figurative sense of the word. If I'm looking at a book the cover does not play a part in my decision but the title does and often, the author. Figuratively speaking, I definitely try not to judge people by the way they look but I cannot say I've never done it. Sadly, I've not been wrong when this happened I just try to wait and see because I really, really hate judging others even though I fail at not judging sometimes. 

4. According to a recent study the ten most nutritious foods are-almonds, cherimoya (supposed to taste like a cross between a pineapple/banana), ocean perch, flatfish (such as flounder and halibut), chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, swiss chard, pork fat (shocking! but I don't think they mean bacon), beet greens, and red snapper. Are any of these foods a regular part of your diet? Yes, fresh fish is readily available straight off the docks around here and I LOVE perch and flounder. Any you've never ever tasted? I don't think I've had the cherimoya but I know what they mean about pork fat and while I have had it I don't partake and haven't since childhood. Which would you be most inclined to add to your diet? I seriously want to try that cherimoya. I wonder if it would be yummy in my daily smoothie?

5. Besides a major holiday what is the most recent thing you've celebrated with your people? The engagement of NashvilleDaughter and her DrummerBoy! Tell us how. There was a lot of phone calling and video chatting and jumping up and down and shouts of joy. I'm not sure we're finished celebrating yet, to be honest. But I do know we're in the throws of wedding planning already which is quite interesting when I'm here and she's there but we're doing it! It all happened on April 1st which was Easter, April Fools', and her birthday! Y'all can read about it right HERE

The ring belonged to his grandmother.

6. Insert your own random thought here. We've got wedding brain and that's about the only thing on my mind right now. This is the daughter who likes everything in place right now and so this will be an interesting process for sure. Though let me say when she's on it, it gets done. I mean, we think we have the venue already chosen! Luckily, my bestie knows all about wedding planning and she's helping from this end so that puts me as much at ease as possible when planning a wedding. 

She had had her nails done for her birthday. 

Have a great rest of the week, Y'all! 

Click the pictures to see all the pretties!


  1. Congrats to your daughter!! What a gorgeous ring! Your granddaughter is just gorgeous.
    Have a wonderful week, Pam.

  2. At least you try to come up with snappy names. I just tile mine Wednesday Hodgepodge every.single.time!

    Your daughter's nails are so cute and so is the ring! Congrats to her and soon-to-be hubby

    1. Hahaha! I think I used to do that, too and it was better than what I get now. Thanks! We're so excited for them!

  3. That is a beautiful ring. I am so excited for you. They are a very cute couple. I cannot believe how fast your grands are growing. I love that dress and the cowboy boots. So nice to see all of the blessings in your family today.

    1. Thank you! They really are a cute couple and both so dang sweet. Marcy was NOT leaving the store without those boots but I thought they were adorable. :)

  4. Congratulations .. I love the ring, it is beautiful.
    Have a great weekend,

  5. A beautiful ring, a beautiful bride, and I know it will be a beautiful wedding! I enjoyed your Hodgepodge, Pam!

  6. The wedding will be in Nashville where they are since all of their friends are there. I'll go for the whole month to help. So do you just eat them on their own?

  7. It does make sense to me. I like smooth jazz but I actually own a lot of jazz to give recommendations. A book cover will grab my attention but I still need to know the story line before I buy it. I want to try that cherimoya also. I need to be brave and try some other fish beside salmon. The engagement is very exciting!

    1. There are so many types of jazz and some of it is way over my head but I do appreciate it anyway. LOL We are so excited for the happy couple! Thanks!

  8. I like your answer to #1 but I would still offer "Take Five" by Dave Brubeck.
    wedding brain - I guess that's a good thing?? Well I do know it's better than brain freeze.

    1. Dave Brubeck. That's a name I haven't thought of in years. He's a little light but I do enjoy his style. I'm reminded of movies from the 50s and 60s when I hear some of his tunes. Wedding brain is muddled confusion so...Ha! I have 4 daughters and I am not into weddings at all. I think they're a big racket but my girls have enjoyed them so I of course participate somewhat gladly. :) Speaking of brain freeze, the engaged daughter ran a 5K in Nashville a week or two ago and got brain freeze due to the unusually frigid temps that day.

  9. That Easter dress with the cowboy boots is too cute! Congratulations to the happy couple. When are they thinking of tying the knot? Mine is also trying to pin down the date/venue and I feel like things book up so early you almost have to get on the calendar quickly. The event planner at one venue told her she already has dates in 2020 booked. Yowza!

    1. I thought so, too. :) They are looking at mid-spring. What about your cuties? The calendar really does fill up fast but once you get that venue, everything else should fall into place, right? Ha! At least we don't have to worry about booking a band. LOL


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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