Wednesday, October 5, 2011


HUMP day is here which means it is FINALLY time for my TWO favoritey fun HUMP DAY HOPS!

If you're here for Chats on the Farmhouse Porch only, then scroll down.

First up this week is WEDNESDAY HODGE PODGE from Joyce at From This Side of the Pond.  This meme is fun and sometimes even poses a challenge (read: she makes us use our noggins!).   

1. What's your favorite meal to serve on a chilly autumn evening? Chili. Or a good root vegetable casserole. Or homemade soup. Or stew. Oh shoot- I love to cook when the temps get cooler and I love all my autumn recipes--old and new!

2. Are you a creature of habit? Explain. I am in some ways and, in others, not so much. I am able to fly by the seat of my pants. It's something that becomes second nature when we have children.However, I do have things that I like to do a certain way and on certain days. My morning routine, for example, never changes. I get up, grab my workout clothes, get dressed, floss, brush my teeth, brush my hair and put it up in a pony tail, come out of bathroom, pet Tucker, unplug phone, raise blinds in living room, put on socks (right foot first) then shoes (right shoe first), gather keys, phone, sunglasses, head out to walk---the very same way every single morning. And I have other routines too but after that one I think I better just hush. I sound more OCD than habitual. 

3. What food product (no longer readily available) do you remember and miss from days gone by? My parents used to buy chips and cookies from the Charles Chips guy. Are they still around? I don't really miss them but that's all that came to mind. 

4. What's something you've lost that you've never been able to find? Any theories as to what happened? When I was a teenager I lost a ring and had no idea what happened to it. A few years later, it was returned to me by the 'friend' who admitted to stealing it one night. I wrote about it here. Now the things I lose are in the house somewhere. And up in the attic. Our attic eats things.

5. Zoo~circus~ carnival...your favorite? I don't care for any of those. I hate seeing wild animals confined in a zoo or doing tricks for people in the circus. And carnivals...well, that's just a really lot of people and I'm not a fan of large crowds.

6. What song makes you feel instantly happy? The Spectrum Song! I love it because the lovelies still sing it and it's so funny when they do!

7. To what extent are you an argumentative person? To the greatest extent possible. I am stubborn and opinionated. It's true. And I LOVE to argue a point. Just LOVE IT!

8. Insert your own random thought here. It's Wednesday! That means DoodleBug and company will be over for dinner tonight! Just another reason for loving Wednesdays! AND we'll be Skyping with Birdie. And maybe Breezy, BestSonInLawEVER and Deanie too!

Next up is a HUMP DAY HOP from Patrice at Everyday Ruralty called Chats on the farmhouse porch!


1. Are you afraid of heights or small places? Yes.
2. What was on top of your wedding cake? (If you're not married- What was on top of your favorite birthday cake?)  No wedding cake here. I am not into wedding falderal so none of that nonsense for us. As a matter of fact, I didn't want to get married. Just have babies--and I wanted daughters! Breezy, on the other hand, was very much into it and her wedding was just what she wanted. BUT she left the $40 cake topper I bought for the cake in NC so one of BestSonInLawEVER's sisters took a piece off of the throw away bouquet and put that on top. Just par for the course with Breezy.  
This is like the one I bought her---she painted the hair to match theirs which is why it was in NC instead of here.

And this is what she ended up with thanks to the quick thinking of her SIL!
3. What was something you took for granted in school that you'd pay better attention to now if you could do it over? Nothing. I paid attention and got the grades. AND I certainly wouldn't want to go back to school. However, I would get my master's in counseling instead of early childhood development!
4. What's your favorite type of tea or coffee? (ie: Chai tea, green tea, English Breakfast tea) Green tea. Coffee = ICK

5. Would you rather drive the car, or be a passenger? That totally depends on who's with me and where we're going. Short distances--it really doesn't matter. Long distances- let's just say that Hubs is an interesting driver. And leave it at that. However, if it's just me and a lovely or four, it doesn't matter. Seriously, if it's a long trip I'm not going to be pleasant regardless of who's driving. I just hate long trips. I'm not a good traveler. I get bored or, if Hubs is driving, frightened into a heart attack. 


  1. You really make me laugh! Mostly it's recognition of commonality. Your routine was so much like mine - OK I put on my left sock first. And arguing is one of the best sports.
    And the driving thing...yes!

  2. I love Wednesdays and your answers to the questions. I also love Wednesdays because they make you so happy! Have a lovely time tonight and I shall be posting something for you tomorrow! :)

  3. Coffee = Ick? It's okay, we can still be friends!

    If you have a Cracker Barrel by you that has the country store attached, you can still find Charles Chips.

    We used to buy them in the tin when we visited my grandparents in Warsaw, VA - although I think the store was in Tappahannock, not that it matters!

  4. Stephanie- LOL So glad I'm not the lone stranger here! I don't think I could put my left sock on first if I tried! And I'm left handed! :)

    Betty- Oh yes, they THINK they drive so well but there are a sh*t ton of people who know otherwise! LOL

    Carol-So glad to see you back! One of these days, y'all are going to have to take a jaunt over to this side of the pond! Then I won't mind you being gone from home! LOL

    Biz- I know. So many think I'm CRAZY. I'm glad it isn't going to harm our friendship though!!! :) I think there's a Cracker Barrel in the north area but there are so many people up there who drive like Hubs that it just wouldn't be worth the trip. LOL

  5. I love tea as well. I collect it, in fact I am getting to the point where the various specialty teas are perilously close to falling out of the cabinet on my head if I don't start drinking more and buying less.

  6. Love the last answer. It's been my experience that if you have to be a passenger with the SO driving, it's best to close my eyes and pray.

  7. Diva- That sounds like my 'tupperware' cabinet. LOL

    MKM-Oh, I pray. But I keep my eyes open. I want to see what kind of accident I'm going to yell at him about. LOL

  8. Love your answers this week, too funny. I do remember Charles Chips, and I loved them!

  9. Susan- Thanks! I always looked forward to the delivery guy showing up with those cans of chips and cookies!

  10. I had to laugh that you just wanted to have babies, I just wanted to live together and not get married at all and begged him on the night of the rehearsal dinner to no marry me.You know signing that paper made it real. :)
    Yeah, I just don't look anymore when I am riding in the car with my hubby.
    I watch the scenery.
    I always enjoy your answers.

  11. I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your visits to Wise Old Owl. I've decided to combine my blogs so you can find me now at Jeremiah 29:11. There's a page at the top called Wise Old Owl!!! If you get a chance, I would love for you to visit me there!!! HOPE you have a great week!

  12. I remember Charles Chips. I use to have the nicest tin from them but its gone. It was my MIL in Texas who had them delivered to her house. That was really something for her to return your ring. I have things that are missing but I know they are in the house somewhere too!

  13. FG- I know. I'm ok with it but I would be just as ok had we not married and just lived together. Thanks so much!

    Deb-Thanks for letting me know! I'll hop over!

    Debby- It was really something alright. Good grief- if I saw her today I'd hold her at arm's length. LOL Anyway, Birdie has that ring now- she got it because opal is her birthstone. If I ever get around to organizing everything in this house I might be surprised at what I'd find!

  14. Coffee = ick! Finally someone who agrees with me! ha! (Although my caffeine of choice is Diet Coke)

  15. Your song reminds me of one my grandson has been singing recently. I'll have to show him your video.

    I'm not a good traveler either. Can't read or knit, etc. So I wind up eating & drinking, then having to stop to go potty all too often. I also sing--terribly--which is okay if I'm in the car alone.

  16. Beverly- You should hear the lovelies sing this- it's hilarious! I can't read or knit in the car either. So I twiddle my thumbs.

  17. I always catch myself sitting here with a dumb grin when I read your answers. I'm a green tea fan too. I used to drink coffee, but that was many years ago. I now say ICK too!

  18. Wow I am so not a "tea" person. I mean I liked iced tea don't get me wrong. . . but I am built primarily on coffee and chocolate.

    Hot coffee, flavored coffee, latte, iced mocha chillers, iced plain coffee, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts. . . I'm not picky! LOL!

  19. You definitely have your morning routine down pat : ) The only thing my morning routine must include is coffee first thing. Then I'm ready for whatever.

    Have a great week!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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