I've discovered that my most of my daily posts are inconsequential at best consisting of nothing more than drivel. They don't hold any substantial content. Not that my blog post usually do hold substantial content but, they really don't right now. I'm just throwing stuff up here some days, it seems, to have something because it's a commitment I made. I am someone who sticks to her commitments. Usually. But I'm rethinking this one.
Another thing is I haven't met more than 3 new-to-me bloggers. No one is reading my trifling content. I'm visiting other blogs- I've made it through the letter E on the blogroll of participants and I'm finding that others are posting trivial writings as well.
I don't think NaBloPoMo is a bad idea. If someone is just getting into blogging, it's a good way to get used to posting. If someone has fallen out of the habit, this will help get them back into a rhythm. I also believe that it can be a good way to meet new people of the blogging sort and, on a good day, you can run across a blog with posts that are not only beautifully written but also contain thought-provoking content.
And so I find myself faced with a dilemma of the lowest sort- do I continue posting daily because of my commitment to do so or do I just stop and go back to my more comfortable blogging rhythm? I don't know. That annoying little voice in the back of my mind keeps saying, "But you said you would."
What to do? What I always do- question my motives. WHY am I considering quitting?
- No one is reading my posts
- My posts are drivel
- I don't feel I need to post every day
- I prefer a simpler method to my blogging
This group has reminded me of going to a new school or a new church or a party and the people who already know each other stick together and there's no room for another person. I'm sure there are others out there who feel this way about this group. Even I have to admit that I am searching for people like me- middle aged, living in an empty nest, retired maybe, and grandparents. None of it is necessary but I do look for those folks when I visit blogs on the blogroll.
Right now, I've stopped linking to the NaBloPoMo folks on FB and the website. Writing posts, finding the places to link them, checking back for comments, reading the blogs of as many as I can in day...it's becoming no fun at all.
- TWIGS AND ROOTS! Where I introduced y'all to Deanie's new business.
- THE BRAVE SIDE OF ME Where I shared my nonexistent bravery with y'all.
- BABY M'S NURSERY Where I finally show off the pictures of the nursery!
- KEEPERS: FALL TELEVISION SHORT LIST Where I shared the few fall shows I watch.
- SINGING ALONG WITH BABY M Where I shared some songs Baby M and I enjoy.
- BABY M GOES TO CLEMSON where I shared a gazillion pix and commentary on Baby M's first ever college football game!
- THANKSGIVING FAILS where I shared that I cannot make holiday meals as good as my grandmother did.
- IT'STHAT TIME! where I slacked off and just posted a voting clip art. Don't judge. This is hard.
- HOW TO ENTERTAIN A 4 MONTH OLD where I share what I'm doing with Baby M and asking for more ideas.
- MY MESSAGE TO MEAN PEOPLE where I give a message to mean people. LOL
- STAY AT HOME GRANDMA GOES ETSY where I put myself out there and cringe.
- WHAT ARE LITTLE THANKFULS? where I compare my lists of LITTLE thankfuls from this year and 2015.
- AND NOW, THE BIGS where I share the big things for which I am grateful.
- A SURPRISING GIFT where I tell y'all about the way too generous gift I received.
- WHAT WAS IT LIKE TO BE ME IN 2016: where I talk about being a grandma.
- HAPPINESS IN THE HODGEPODGE where I share my answers on Wednesday Hodgepodge.
The title of your post caught my eye because this is a question bloggers struggle with, and occasionally I'll ask myself if I am posting enough. I've been blogging for a while, but took a breather for a couple of years because I felt like I had devolved into drivel. I came back with energy and focus. I learned that posting every day is a total waste of time. It is best to have clarity regarding what your blog is about and to only write when the content will be true to that focus. So, with that in mind, I suggest you stop posting daily and put the time into deciding what your blog is about. Who do you want to read your blog? What kinds of posts will appeal to them? Once you have the answers to these questions you won't need any prompts. Hope this helps.
ReplyDeleteI've been at this for 6 years now so I've figured out the who and the what. I can count on one hand the number of times I've used prompts. The issue here is joining this challenge. It was fun when I did it in the past but this time, I guess I just don't need it. Even more, I had hoped to meet some new blogging friends but finding people who aren't mommy bloggers or food bloggers or straight up writers is not easy. LOL As I mentioned, I had a nice rhythm going with posting three times/week. It was fun. I'm struggling with dropping something that I committed to but, when there aren't any benefits, I guess quitting is not a big deal. :) Thanks!
DeleteI've been blogging for seven years, and here's my take. Part of the reasoning behind daily postings is to establish a rhythm. It sounds like you already had a rhythm that worked for you. I would agree - quality over quantity. Decide what your blog's purpose is, and be true to it. If that means quitting NaBloPoMo, so be it. I decided, several days into NaNoWriMo this year, that it wasn't going to happen. I stopped that, and have never looked back. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteThanks! I did make a decision and I'm done. I did enjoy my rhythm and it was working fine. I'm back to 3 post/week and I feel good! :)
DeleteWell I can't even do three posts per week right now, although that's my goal and hope to get back into the routine soon. Even three days a week plus IG (and you're on FB too??) seems nearly impossible. I find that along with life, I just can't keep up. Do what you enjoy and don't try to do everything. Since when did your 'commitment' to blog supercede your commitment to be healthy and happy for your family? Just sayin'. This is your mother speaking. Lol Actually, it was my mother speaking to me. I could hear her in my head. :-))
ReplyDeleteExcellent point, Judy! When it's not fun and making me cranky, it's time to stop. Three posts/week was working just fine and not interfering with anything. Plus, if I decided to only post once or twice, that was fine too. No pressure. :) I've slacked on IG and FB since this started. But I'm done and back to my comfortable rhythm. :)
DeleteSounds like you got some good advice from the other commenters and it sounds like you figured out what you want to do. Have fun.
ReplyDeleteI really don't know why I signed up this year. It wasn't the smartest move ever. LOL Thanks!
DeleteFirst of all, I always enjoy your posts and have never considered one of them drivel. I do understand what you are saying, though. I try to post everyday and most of them are truly drivel or one of the memes I participate in. Your 3-day commitment works for you, so stick with it and don't look back!! You DO have something more important to occupy your time these days!! Love & hugs!!
ReplyDeleteYou're right- I do have something more important to occupy my time. :) I don't find your posts drivel. I learn something new about you every time I visit and that's never drivel. :) Thank you for the compliment on my posts. I just feel like I'm reaching these days. I'm going back to 3/week since that was working. No more NaBloPoMo for me!
DeleteDo what ever you are comfortable with! I write every day because family reads every day. I had a person tell me once that your blog is your room and you can do whatever you want in your own room...and it people don't like it they don't have to read. :)
ReplyDeleteExcellent point! I have family who reads, too. They don't comment on the blog but they comment to me via social media or when we see each other. There are times when I could post every day but, for the most part, 3 times/week works like a charm. :) I enjoy reading your blog!
DeleteHow have I not heard of NaBloPoMo before? Probably a good thing, because I definitely haven't had time to post with any consistency lately!
ReplyDeleteLOVE the new look!!!!
Ha! I hear that! I think, this time around, the challenge was asking me to do something that I was already doing which is get in the habit of posting. So, kind of dumb to sign up. LOL Thank you!
DeleteWhat would you think of another prompt - post twice a day. I suspect you probably would not think much of that idea. I don't have a problem with prompts. Years ago I tried a few. I recall one that I think was called spin cycle. Once a week a topic was given out. I'm not sure if blogging has changed or I just changed but those challenges/prompt just don't interest me anymore. You might recall me doing a Hodgepodge a few times.
ReplyDeleteBlogging should be fun, no pressure and run by your own rules.
You're right, it should be fun and no pressure. I've got enough no fun and pressure elsewhere. LOL Every once in a while I'll grab a prompt because it's meaningful but this other stuff is crazy. I'm done. It's back to my comfortable, fun rhythm. :)
DeleteYep, if keeping up with the dailies was stressing you and making you cranky, you were correct to go back to your rhythmn! One year I tried writing a novel-the other November challenge and I found it so STRESSFUL to try and churn out words every day. A friend reminded me that my *hobby* was stressing me out so I stopped immediately.
ReplyDeleteOh, no! I could never do the writing the novel one. NO. WAY. I'm back to my three posts/week and I'm feeling great about it. :) Thanks!